5 Encouraging Facts About Cataracts

Regarding vision loss, cataracts are one of the few problems with straightforward symptoms and a permanent cure. The prospect of vision loss as you age can be frightening, but modern medicine and advancing technology have made cataracts one of the less concerning threats to your sight.
At Ventura Eye Institute in Camarillo, California, our professional team of eye care specialists can evaluate your cataracts and inform you about your surgical options.
An overview of cataracts
Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness around the world. Cataracts happen when proteins within the lens of the eye begin to clump together, causing it to turn opaque slowly and causing the trademark “cloud” across your vision.
Over time, this cloud blocks out light and prevents your eye from focusing. Symptoms of cataracts are gradual, beginning as hazy vision and progressing until the eyes are completely clouded. Other early signs of cataracts include:
- Double vision (diplopia)
- Poor night vision
- Light sensitivity
- Trouble reading fine print
Your risk of developing cataracts increases with age, especially if you spend lots of time outside or have a history of eye inflammation. Luckily, treatment for cataracts is extremely effective.
5 encouraging facts about cataracts
If cataracts have already begun forming in your eyes, you might feel worried about the future of your vision. Here are five facts that should give you some confidence.
1. Cataracts are easy to identify
Late-stage cataracts are hard to miss, but even preliminary signs can be spotted by an eye care professional during routine eye exams. If you get your vision tested regularly, your optometrist or ophthalmologist will likely recognize early-stage cataracts before you do.
2. Cataract surgery only has to be done once
Cataract surgery replaces the clouded lens with a perfect substitute, an intraocular lens (IOL). Artificial lenses don’t cloud like natural ones, so you only need to undergo this procedure once.
3. Premium lenses can correct your vision
Before undergoing cataract surgery, you have the opportunity to discuss getting premium IOLs. These can correct common refractive errors and eliminate cataracts, reducing or eliminating your need for glasses following the procedure.
4. Recovery is swift and painless
The incisions made during cataract surgery are so small and precise that no stitches are necessary. The eye will begin healing itself within a few days, and recovery rarely takes longer than eight weeks.
5. It’s never too late for surgery
While glaucoma and retinopathy lead to permanent damage over time, cataracts can be corrected at any point. Surgery is the only effective treatment, but you can postpone the procedure until you’re ready, giving you time to prepare.
If your doctor tells you you have cataracts, it’s time to start a discussion about treatment. Ask us about premium IOLs and different types of cataract surgery, including laser-assisted and small incision surgery.
To learn more and discuss your cataract surgery options, schedule a consultation with the team at Ventura Eye Institute by calling 805-388-1211 or visit the contact page for more options.
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