Exceeding the Benchmark: Dr. Huynh Traveled to Jamaica to Perform Cataract Surgery

Practicing international ophthalmology is my passion. There is tremendous gratitude in volunteering my time and expertise to improve a person's quality of life through vision-correcting eye surgery.
In the spring of 2019, I traveled to Mandeville, Jamaica with a team of 17 volunteers comprised of ophthalmologists, anesthetists, and nurses to perform small-incision, sutureless cataract surgeries. In the course of five days, 368 surgeries were performed and >1,000 pairs of reading and prescription glasses were dispensed. This achievement exceeded the benchmark set forth by the trip to Jamaica the previous year!
When the eye patches were removed the next day, the rooms would fill with joy and excitement. Some patients saw colors for the very first time, whereas others could now make out the faces of their caregivers. On the last day of our trip, many patients asked, "Will you come back next year to do my other eye?"
This was truly a humbling experience.
If you have questions about your own eyes or would like to be evaluated for cataracts, feel free to make a consultation at the Ventura Eye Institute. Between myself and Dr. Ragen, we have over 35 years of experience in managing simple to complex eye problems.
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