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David Stark, MD, PhD

Ophthalmologist located in Camarillo, CA

About Dr. Stark

Dr. David T. Stark, MD, PhD is a licensed, board eligible comprehensive ophthalmologist who trained at the prestigious UCLA Stein Eye Institute in Los Angeles. Dr. Stark performs LASEK and premium cataract surgery. Dr. Stark also treats glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and corneal/ocular surface diseases.

David Stark, MD, PhD

Dr. David T. Stark, MD, PhD is a licensed, board eligible comprehensive ophthalmologist who trained at the prestigious UCLA Stein Eye Institute in Los Angeles. Dr. Stark performs LASEK and premium cataract surgery. Dr. Stark also treats glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and corneal/ocular surface diseases.

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